Suzanne Hanchett

Suzanne Hanchett
Suzanne Hanchett is an anthropologist with more than 30 years’ experience in basic research, university teaching, public administration, and social development. She has a Ph.D. from Columbia University. She is a Woodrow Wilson Fellow and a former Fulbright Scholar and has received several prestigious research grants and awards. Her consulting firm is Planning Alternatives for Change, LLC ( Suzanne’s research and applied work focuses on participatory planning, program evaluation, gender in development and women’s rights, reproductive health and adolescent pregnancy prevention, organizational systems, and other social development issues. She has worked on these issues in South Asia (Bangladesh and India), Africa (Sudan and Benin), the West Bank and Gaza, and the United States. For the past ten years she has been working with UNICEF and other international organizations on environmental issues, especially the problem of arsenic in drinking water, the cultural context of water development projects, and the sustainability of sanitation programs in Bangladesh.

For an example of Suzanne Hanchett’s evaluation research, see The Republic of Bangladesh Arsenic Water Mitigation Project, World Bank Report No: ICR000028.

Major implications of this work are discussed here: Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation – Public Administration & Health Faliures (Hanchett & Hossain 2009)

Her collaborative work strengthening Bangladesh community-based arsenic mitigation response capacity, studying arsenic-removal technologies, and assessing the sustainability of sanitation facilities, programs and behavior are reported in Managing Domestic Water in Bangladesh After the Arsenic Crisis- A Case Study. In Water, Cultural Diversity, and Global Environmental Change; Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures? (Barbara Rose Johnston, ed. Jakarta and Dordrecht: UNESCO/IHP and Springer, 2012, pp. 241-244).

Available October 2014 in hardcopy and ebook format: Water Culture in South Asia: Bangladesh Perspectives by Suzanne Hanchett, Tofazzel Hossain Monju, Kazi Rozana Akhter, Shireen Akhter, and Anwar Islam (Development Resources Press).


Suzanne Hanchett resume, reports and publications.

Email: suzanne.hanchett [at